Stand around long enough, and you'll get put to work. On my weekend trip to Charlottesville I got the opportunity to visit and watch Tim Be Told play at Fridays After Five on the downtown pavilion. After enjoying a set to a crowd, mainly there to see the older, more folk/rock/country band afterward, I found myself asked to come behind the merchandise table and sell T-Shirts, CDs, posters, etc... the above picture is my POV of the stuff, displayed nicely in a vintage suitcase.
The show went well, as the crowd responded, sales were good, and it's a nice build up to the release of their EP which they are recording outside of Gordonsville. I'd go into details, but I'm sworn to secrecy :)
Michael Stipe of REM said this on the Iconoclasts program on the Sundance Channel that when he returned home from tour he was sitting around family and friends and felt distanced, unrelateable and out of touch as if everyone else was so different and insignificant.
Yet it was the ability to hold on to reality, to recognize what was real and true in life that has allowed him to stay down to earth and sane. Not to mention his venture into film producing, with credits that include Saved and Being John Malkovich which has giving him something to do outside of music.
Claiming a "chemical reaction" to the transition back to reality after the adrenaline of working in such industries such as music, theater, TV, or film, I can relate to the notion of transition, of lifestyle, of being so focused on things in your life you feel so separated from others who are not part of the magical world of performance entertainment.
After spending the weekend discussing movies, music, and the latest gossip in my small celebrity pool, it was weird to return to family dinners, birthday cakes, and children who wanted me to teach them something.
But until my name is up in bright lights or scrolling along in the credits, I'll just say "I'm with the Band!"
Check out their Gravity's Hold music video here!
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